Volleyball Beginner Drills - Introducing Drills for Beginning Volleyball Players

On this page we introduce some unusual volleyball beginner drills. We call them juggling. Juggling is beneficial especially for the beginning volleyball players since purpose of them is to improve ball control and hand-eye coordination.

Volleyball Beginner Drills - Juggling

You can perform these volleyball drills in the beginning of the practice as warm ups.

image placeholder Volleyball Juggling - Have you ever tried
the volleyball tricks in this page?

Or these drills can be done in the back yard, basement, or even in the living room.

Have you ever paid attention to kids bouncing basketball on the streets while walking to play hoops?

If you take a walk to practice or to play volleyball on the beach, you can perform some of these juggling drills while walking. You can juggle on the way there - just watch out for bicycles and other pedestrians.

Volleyball Beginner Drills; Volleyball Player's Oath

This oath doesn't include spoken words; when you are able to do it you can call yourself a volleyball player :- )

  • The player keeps setting "two ball" (about 1 meter or 3-4 feet set) above his/her head.

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  • While setting the ball, player keeps bending knees and getting lower and lower. Player puts her/himself on the sitting position from which s/he progresses further down until s/he lays down on his/her back (while setting the ball).

  • When lying on the back the volleyball player's oath is half way done - next the player needs to raise her/himself up again (while setting the ball constantly). The player performs sit up and pulls her/himself to sitting position. From sitting position s/he pushes up to the standing position. That last part is the most difficult one.

Volleyball Beginner Drills - Juggling by Setting

Example 1

Perform regular two hand sets ("two balls" or higher) above your head.

Extra moves to add degree of difficulty:

  • perform sets as jump sets
  • clap the hands behind your back between the sets
  • touch the ground with your fingers between the setsVolleyball One Hand Setting
  • perform 180/360/480 degree turn between each set

Example 2

The volleyball player performs
  • two ball-set
  • one-hand set with right hand
  • two ball-set
  • one-hand set with left hand
  • two ball-set
  • and keeps repeating the cycle
Try replacing one-hand set by one-hand poke (hit the ball with knuckles)

If this cycle is too easy, use some of the extras in Example 1 to add degree of difficulty.

Example 3

Juggling while on the move:
  • Do juggling, i.e. sets combined with one-hand pokes or clapping the hands behind your back, while moving forward or backward.
    Volleyball Beginner Drills - Juggling
    You can perform those in the gym or while walking to the beach or gym to play volleyball (Watch out for bicycles and other pedestrians!)

Example 4

The player sets extremly high ball toward sealing one after another. The player attempts to stay on the same spot.To add difficulty, perform 180/360/480 degree turns between each set.

Example 5
  • Player goes next to net, standing sideways on the net.Volleyball Beginner Drills - Setting
  • Sets the ball over the net to another side
  • Moves under the net under the ball to set the ball back over the net
  • Moves under the net under the ball to set the ball to another side again

Few Other Volleyball Beginner Drills Examples (living room setting drills)

Example 6

Lay on your back and set the ball above your face - trying set the ball straight above your face as many time as you can.

Example 7

Sit down. Start by setting the ball above your head. Lower yourself down until you lay down on your back (while setting the ball).Perform sit up and pull yourself to sitting position (while setting the ball). Repeat the cycle.

Example 8Volleyball Libero - Setting

Sit down. Set the ball to the wall. Set two ball above your head. Set the ball to the wall. Keep repeating the cycle.

Same, but when standing. Remember setter's footwork.

Example 9

Lay down on your back next to the wall bottom of your feet facing the wall.

Crunch your upper body up by your abs your lower back stays on the ground.

Set the ball to the wall. Set the bouncing ball above your face. Set the ball to the wall. Keep repeating the cycle.

Example 10

Same than before, but without the set over your face.

Lay down on your backbottom of your feet facing the wall. Crunch your upper body up by your abs your lower back stays on the ground. Hold your position and keep repeating sets to the wall.

Example 11

Go to the corner of two walls. Sit down facing the corner. Set the ball to the wall. Set the bouncing ball to another wall. And again back to another wall. Rotate your torso on each set. Keep repeating the cycle.

Example 12

Make up new ones by yourself. Only imagination is your limit.

Related Pages to Beginner Drills

Volleyball Drills for Beginning Players
Beginner drills to learn volleyball setting

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