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Volleyball Advisors - Best Volleyball Training Tips, Issue #017 -- Volleyball Digging
June 02, 2009


Volleyball Advisors’ Newsletter - Best Volleyball Training Tips, Issue #017


In this issue:

1) Learning Volleyball Digging Techniques

2) We Need Your Help - Answer ONE question – “What would you like to see on the Website?”


Hello there,

Hope your summer has started well. If you are having a summer off from volleyball, enjoy your break!

I finished a number of articles about volleyball defensive techniques. You get the first ones along with this newsletter..

1) Learning Volleyball Digging Techniques

You must have noticed that an overhead dig has become an important tool to defend attacks. Have you ever thought there are a couple of different techniques for volleyball overhead digging?

Have you ever heard about “volleyball scoop”?

Do you know the term “digging around the clock”?

Take a look at the new pages - you’ll find more about those digging techniques:

Volleyball Digging – Basic Techniques for Volleyball Digging

Volleyball Digging Basics

Volleyball Digging Skills – Advanced Techniques for Volleyball Digging

Volleyball Digging Skills – Hard Driven Spike

Volleyball Overhead Digging

Volleyball Skills Digging Rolling Diving

(or if the above link/URL is not clickable, copy-and-paste the URL into your Web browser.)

2) We Need Your Help - Answer ONE question – “What would you like to see on the Website?”

This is important for us. By answering ONE question you help us to improve the site. Click the link below to answer. We promise answering takes less than a minute.

Click Here to Answer

Thank you, if you have already answered!

...until next time...

Keep the Ball Flying,

P.S. Go ahead and answer the question right now – we really need your feedback. That questionnaire is very important to us, so we know what information you’d like to have on the website.

Click Here to Answer

P.S.S. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends, they can subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here

(or if the above link/URL is not clickable, copy-and-paste the URL into your Web browser.)



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