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Volleyball Advisors - Best Volleyball Training Tips, Issue #006 -- About Volleyball Techniques
May 17, 2008


Volleyball Advisors’ Newsletter - Best Volleyball Training Tips, Issue #006


In this issue:

1) IMPORTANT! New Feature Added - Online Community

2) Instructions to Join the Online Community - (this is seen by the newsletter subscribers only)

3) Our Response to Training Techniques Question


1) IMPORTANT! New Feature Added - Online Community

We apologize if we have taken forever to respond to your emails. We have been working on adding features to the website and it has taken all of our focus lately.

We are delighted to announce the first one is ready. We have been getting many excellent questions and have had great discussions with volleyball fans out there. That was the impulse behind the first addition.

We thought it would be great to launch a helpful volleyball community in which you can start discussions about anything volleyball related. You’ll also find volleyball photos and video clips there. Or you can post those by yourself.

To make sure everything works smoothly in that online community, we will announce it first to selected newsletter subscribers only.

After we get everything tested we’ll let others know about it. So this following message goes to selected people only. It is not seen by public.

2) Instructions to Join the Online Community

Congratulations, you have been selected to check out our online community. To join the community..... (sorry, this following is seen by the newsletter subscribers only)


If you are not among the selected group of people, don’t be devastated - if everything runs smoothly in the community, we’ll let you know how to get in.

3) Our Response to Training Techniques Question

Recently we gave the following response to an excellent comment about training techniques. It is a quick review about the past newsletters material about training techniques.

Learning fundamentals the most important

If I am coaching juniors, especially very young kids - I am always telling them and parents: "We will focus on learning correct techniques because it will benefit the players most in the long run. Our main goal is not winning the games right now."

Please, don't get me wrong, I understand that winning is the goal in sports, but with the little kids I prefer taking another approach.

Break down the skills

We have got great success by teaching techniques in little pieces. Let’s call it "breaking down the skills".

For example teaching correct way to approach and swing is extremely complex skill. It is much easier to teach the correct footwork first. When the players get that first, then it is easier to progress to add jump and arm lift up on it. Maybe some extremely talented athletes are able to pick up it at once, but it is very rare.

Click the link or copy and paste the address below to get some basic information about "breaking down the skills":

Breaking Down the Volleyball Skills

Teaching techniques by playing

Kids usually love playing games. This is a good way also to teach them volleyball skills. If you have several courts (or you can do this even with one court), divide the court/s into many small courts and have kids play against each other 1 on 1 (one player against one player). You can for example put little piece of tape to separate two courts which are next to each other.

You can tell players, they have only one contact and they can only use forearm passing to hit the ball over. You can do this also with setting. The court should be so small that it forces the rallies to be extremely long. I would say good size is around 5 feet X 5 feet (or similar).

Or you can make them play 2 against 2. In that case make the court little bigger and allow for example 2 contacts. Those are fun games and a very good method to teach beginning volleyball players correct techniques and footwork.

If players are totally new to volleyball, you can allow them to catch the ball, then make a little toss to her/himself and hit the ball over the net with forearm pass etc.

You can make up tens of different games by using different amounts of contacts, different skills to hit the ball over the net, or changing number of players.

...until next time...

Keep the Ball Flying,

P.S. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends, they can subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here or copying and pasting the link below into their browser:



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